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Night Slim Skinny Tea and Appetite Control Combo Pack

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  • Regular price $29.95

Night Slim Skinny Tea

NIGHT SLIM TEA will completely change how your body looks and feels in less than a month!
• Boost your metabolism
• Start burning stored fat
• Calms muscle spasms and muscle tightness
• Naturally raise energy levels and feel refreshed when you wake up in the A.M.
• Detox your internal organs
• Reduce bloating
• Improve skin complexion
• Flush out harsh toxins
• Fix digestive issues

Appetite Control

Melt the pounds and keep them off with this fat burner supplement. This advanced supplement combines natural ingredients with a powerful boost of vitamin C to prevent the absorption of fats and sugars while working to control your appetite. A dose of this appetite control supplement taken 30 to 45 minutes before mealtime works to control cravings, making it a doubly effective weight control resource.
Advanced Appetite Control actually blocks the amount of fat and sugar the body can absorb from the food you consume. It also provides a second 'line of defense' by working in the bloodstream to further impede the level of fat and carbohydrates available for metabolism.